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1) What is the difference between a line spectrum and a continuous spectrum?

2) What does it mean when an electron is "excited" ?

3) Calculate the isotope abundance of the following isotopes







4) NOW calculate the Relative Atomic Mass of all three isotopes - make sure that this is to 3 significant figures


5) Match the following definitions to one another


when filling degenerate

orbitals (orbitals                                                    AUFBAU PRINCIPLE

of equal energy),

electrons fill all the

orbitals singly before

occupying them in parts. 




when filling degenerate orbitals

(orbitals of equal energy),

electrons fill all the orbitals                               PAULI'S EXCLUSION principle

singly before occupying them in parts. 




any orbital can hold a maximum of two electrons.          Hund's rule

And these electrons have opposite sign.



6) A photon can be reffered to as a tiny pocket of light or a "quanta"

7) the structure of the sublevels is s,p,e and g

8) electrons have "spin"

9) Every sublevel can contain two electrons

10) there are the same number of orbitals in every sublevel


11) Briefly explain the function of a mass spectrometer


12) Write the electron configuration for Lithium (using the 2, 8, 8 configuration)


13) Now write out the FULL electron configuration of Lithium


14) in isotopic notation, what do Z, X and A represent


15) What does the RAM stand for


16) write down the value of Planck's constant


17) What does the electromagnetic spectrum consist of?


18) How is a flame test conducted- and why is it useful?




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