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The term "ionization energy"; IE refers to the minimum energy which is required to remove an electron from a netural gaseous atom or molecule in its ground state. 


IE1 refers to the first ionization energy of a gaseous element.


The first ionization energy can also be tied in to the process written below:


X(g) -----> X+ (g) + e -



Ionization energy: What is it?

The Second ionization energy is linked to the concept of a further electron being taken away from teh ion X + (g) and the thrid ionization energy level is also linked with a different electron being taken away from X2+ (g).


The mass unt for the ionization energy is kJ mol^-1 (per mole of atoms) 


REMEMBER: IF energy is involved when removing an electron;  Ionization energies are ALWAYS POSITIVE

Ionization energy: further explanation 

The nth ionization energy (IEn) is incorporated into the method written below


As the elements increase, the ionization energy also increases

the order of this is provided below:


IE1 < 1E2 < IE3 < 1E4 < 1E5....


After every chronological ionization, an electron is being removed. After each ionization, the species grows more and more positive, thus more energy is required as the electron is being pulled away from the species which has a higher positive charge. 


Ionization energy decreases as you go down a group in the periodic table.

Ionization energy increases as you go across a group



Ionization energy: Lithium

In Hydrogen's emission Spectra, when there are higher temperatures, the lines converge.


At the limit of convergance, the lines merge to form a continuum. (fig 1)


It is possible for the electron to acquire any kind of energy beyond the continuum. When this happens, the electron cannot be impacted by the nucleus and it is also outside of the atom.




Frequency of radiation throughout the emission specttrum at the limit of convergecne is also applied to record IE1 (The first ionization energy).


Throughout teh Lynman series of rhte hydrogen atom (UV region) the frequecny at the limit of convergace is related to teh enrgy whcih is released when an electron drops from n= and then returns to the ground state, n = 1

Limit of Convergance

 (figure 1) The ionization process for the hydrogen atom

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