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Clinical Obesity 

overweight to a degree which causes medical complications


Lipids are more suitable for long-term energy storage in humans than carbohydrates.

STRUCTURE- phospholipids are a main aspect of cell membranes 


HORMONAL SIGNALLING- sterioids are involve din hormonal signalling (for example progesterone, estrogen and testosterone)


INSULATION: Fats in animals can be used as heat insulators; at the same time, sphingolipids located in the myelin sheath (of neurons) can be used as electrical insulators. 


PROTECTION: Triglycerides may form a tissue layer around a variety of the vital internal organs, they also provide protection against physical injury. 

Functions of lipids 

Storage of energy:

Triglycerides can be used as a long term energy storage source. Lipids are usually used for long term energy storage. On the other hand, carbohydrates are used for Short term energy storage. 


Lipids which are utilized are fats which are stored in specialized groups of cells known as dipose tissue. 


Adipose tissue is found around some organs such as the kidneys and directly underneath the skin. 

The amount of energy released in cell respiration per gram of lipids is DOUBLE for carbohydrated and protein


LIPIDS add 1/6 as much to body mass as carrbohydrates. Fats are stored as pure droplets, however when 1g of glycogen is stored it is linked to 2g of water. 


This is especially criticial for active animals as energy stores must be carried. 



is the medium-term energy storage molecule in animals. It is stored in the liver and muscles. The energy stored in glycogen is more readily available than the energy stored in fat.

in the bloodstream is for immediate use and will either be used in respiration to yield ATP or converted to glycogen or fat


Glycogen can be broken down to glucose quickly. 

Subsequently it is transported easily via the blood to where it is required. 

Fats in the adipose tissue are unable to be mobilized as quickly. 


Glucose can be utlized in either aerobic cell resiration or anaerobic cell respiration. On the other hand fats and fatty acids only can be used in aerobic respiration. 




Why is glycogen needed at all? 

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